
I just finished an amazing class at JWS Online called SHIFT. It’s all about shifting your mindset so that you can be the best possible version of yourself. One of my biggest realizations from the class is that in my life, when I lack specificity, I tend to grind to a halt. This specificity manifests in different ways for me: Specificity in my acting work, specificity in singing, specificity in what my fears are, specificity in what my dreams are. The more specific you are, the more the path forward emerges. The actions you must take to counteract the negative thoughts that come with your fears become obvious when you give those fears a specific name. The actions you must take for a specific goal emerge when you name that goal. The actions you must take to sing that one high note in the phrase are easier to figure out when you get specific on how it feels right now. As Brené Brown says “Clear is kind.” That doesn’t just apply to other people. 

What area of your life could benefit from more specificity?